about me

Great stories in books and films have always fed my passion for movie-making. Telling stories by becoming a character myself was the obvious thing to do. I’ve wanted to be an actress since I was a very young child. I have explored different areas of the job, especially when dubbing foreign films and animated movies and also lending my voice to characters in audio plays. I have been given the chance to collect a lot of great experiences, to be part of fantastic projects, and to meet quite a few very nice people every time I enter any of the studios. It’s an absolute pleasure to work in the dubbing industry.
I am an assiduous comedy consumer and I also write comedy myself.
I love writing. I write my own stories and used to pursue my journalistic work and copywriting (ca:st – Das Schauspielermagazin /Swarovski 1895) with great passion for several years. I also write the lyrics to my own songs. I have written songs for Sony Music. For the Europa audio play “Dragonbound” I got to produce part of the sound-design for several episodes.

My amazingly talented friend Mascha Müller and I have written a lot of songs together. Mascha also inspired me to follow in my mother’s footsteps and start painting. My mother has produced innumerable amounts of art pieces since 1992 and has become virtuoso in the field of modern art. In my paintings I explore colorful and sometimes slightly morbid fantasy images that commute somewhere between representational and abstract art work. I paint with acrylic colors but I also enjoy digital effect work on photos and taking pictures of abandoned places like old houses, hotels and industrial facilities.

Besides taking pictures myself I also hire photographers for shootings when want to be included in them. One of my photos of my zombie-shooting, „Morbide“, which is a shooting that represents me as an actress as well as a creator of art projects, was part of the „Exposure Award“ exhibition in the Louvre in Paris in 2015.

Besides working as an actress, I have studied Cultural Sciences at the Fern Universität Hagen and successfully completed my Bachelor of Arts degree. In my bachelor’s thesis entitled “Die Küche in der Relation zu anderen Räumen in den verschiedenen Gesellschaftsschichten zur Zeit der Hochindustrialisierung. Eine soziologische Analyse,” I am examining the connections between the modes of life and interior design, upscale décor and modern appliances during the late period of industrialization in Europe. I have always been interested in cultural differences and the diversity of lifestyles and interior design.

A mainly plant-based diet and sports are crucial to my life. I am also taking action concerning less comforting topics such as the exploitation of animals and people, and bullying.  I am personally most devoted to animal rights since animals don’t have their own voice and are most innocent. I actively help spreading information by voluntarily working at education stands in the city.

I am a founding member of Soko Tierschutz.

I love being in nature. I discovered my love for nature when I was a child and my parents took me out to beautiful places in the countryside. My father and I often went to feed wild pigs in the forest. I love traveling, cycling and I love my fantastic circle of friends. And even though I would miss the juicy green of the German countryside, I would love to live in California or near the most impressive city on earth, Rome. In 2017 I absolutely fell in love with Connecticut. The „indian summer“ experience was unforgettable.

I grew up near Frankfurt and do now live in beautiful Bavaria. And even though it took a while to understand the local dialect I am now able to communicate with people who live in places that have trainstations. 😉
There are a few things that to me are essential to a good quality of life: friends, cats, nature, yummy food, good movies, music, art, a bike, a little pinch of nostalgia, a grain of philosophy, lots of natural ease and of course humor!